Is your business losing the competition for top talents in your industry? Are you frustrated with the quality of applicants, struggling with high attrition, and plagued by employee disengagement? These are cardinal symptoms of employer brand management challenges. Despite these symptoms, your business could still do better with the application of employer brand management strategies designed to turn things around for good.
In Part 1 of this two-part series, we explored the definitions and realities of not having a planned employer brand management in place. In this edition, we are going to re-examine employer brand management and explore four ways it could benefit your business.
Before we get started, it is important to reiterate that your employer brand is your business reputation as an employer- whether your company’s work environment is distinctively great, generically mediocre, or extraordinarily bad, that is your employer brand. To become the employer that top talents in your industry want to work for takes considerable effort, expertise, and planning to accomplish.
Employer brand management has become increasingly important for the growth of both small and big businesses around the globe. Successful companies realize the benefits derived from the development of a holistic employer brand strategy and marketing of compelling Give & Get employer value propositions (EVPs) to their target audience. With the application of similar but customized strategies, your business could become the best-in-class employer in your industry much sooner than later.
Here are four major benefits of employer brand management (as stated by Richard Mosley & Lars Schmidt, authors of “Employer Branding for Dummies”.)
1) Competitive advantage: Employer branding enables you to build an all-star team with a roster of the most talented individuals in your industry. The collective intelligence, creativity, drive, and determination of highly qualified individuals enable you to gain and maintain a competitive advantage within your industry.
2) Retention: A great workplace populated with highly talented and engaged employees is a place employees want to stay. In addition, a strong employer brand clarifies what people can expect from the organization before they apply. Companies with strong employer brands experience significantly lower attrition rates.
3) Engagement: Employer branding involves creating an environment in which employees are fulfilled by their work and proud of who they work for. Such an environment drives engagement and a higher level of engagement leads to higher productivity and customer satisfaction.
4) Recruitment: Companies that have a strong employer brand attract higher quality and more qualified candidates, improving the quality of new hires while reducing the cost of recruitment.
At FieldWork Recruiting, we can help you enhance your existing employer brand management or talent acquisition needs of your business. We offer obligation-free consultation for businesses such as yours. You can reach out to our team on 1300 375 910 or better still, email me directly.
In the next edition, I will be examining a new topic ”How to Recruit & Retain Top-Tier Account Managers” Watch this space!!